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Tuesday 18 October 2016

The Autumn Term

    This term we have been very busy, our topics so far have been;  All About Me, Life Cycles and Seasons. We have explored whether the tallest people jump the highest and found out that height doesn't always mean that they can jump the highest. We have also explored different life cycles, animals and humans as well as exploring the changes in the seasons. We noticed the changes in colours and have completed observational drawings and pictures of leaves and autumn scenery.


A lovely picture showing a rainy day. Great mixing of only primary colours here.

A wonderful capture of an Autumn tree, again, only using primary colours.

Everyone has been trying their best and have enjoyed their learning, thank you for the brilliant effort!

Monday 17 October 2016

The Experimentarium

A very busy and fun day had by all at the Experimentarium. We all learnt a great deal about the world around us and how things work.
Some of the activities were a little scary, like the Dark Room and the Labyrinth Room of Mirrors, where we got a little confused. We looked at the electric ball and looked at how electricity can flow using us as conductors. The children also enjoyed The Water Room, using boats to explore how water travels.
I want to say a big thank you to all of the children, they were well behaved using manners and good listening throughout the day.