This week we have been concentrating on past and present tense, using ‘+ed’
in our writing, actions and in our reading. The children have developed a great
understanding for this and are growing in confidence when using the alternative
verb as well as ‘ed’ as the suffix. Well done everyone!
This week we have been concentrating on the '+ed' at the end of word.
The children have matched pictures to their correct vocabulary, investigated '+ed'
actions and acted these out in the classroom. They are using +ed with more fluency
when reading and spelling.
We have been learning about ordinal
language, using first, second, third etc. when to problem solving. The children
have had to use their reading skills as well as their mathematical vocabulary
to complete tasks.
This week the children have been developing their digital competence
through writing about their favourite things. Thank you again for bringing in
such interesting items, I have enjoyed hearing about them and why they are
important to the children. We have learnt how to use ‘pic collage’ and the
children have modified their text and pictures on a screen. We have all enjoyed
this activity and please keep an eye out for your children’s work on display
soon in the entrance to the classroom .
The children have also been looking at a programming game- Kodable. They
have shown a great interest in this and have enjoyed programming their ‘fuzzy kodable’
around a maze.
Thank you for letting children bring
their 'Favourite things' to school, if they haven’t please do so as we would
love to get their picture onto our display.
This week’s homework is set on using
past tense. The children must identify the correct verb in its past tense and use
this in sentences.
Have fun and thank you for your support
with tasks and reading!
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