Useful home learning links

Saturday 5 November 2016

Due to technical issue this post is backdated to Halloween week. I apologies for any inconvenience.

                                                     Happy Halloween!!

With Halloween fast approaching, this week has held a spooky theme! Children have been completing English and Topic activities through our week's celebration and in Maths we have had snappy challenges.


   In year 2 we have been concentrating on the 'igh' sound within words, we have explored words which include this; night, fright, bright, along with many more. The children have used dictionaries to identify and check with their spellings for some trickier igh words and have done some brilliant reading using all their phonics knowledge.

   The children have been writing their own acrostic poetry using HALLOWEEN as the title and focus. These turned out really creative as we had to think of a spooky word to represent each of the letters in our title. Amazing thinking!!


    We started our week looking at spooky scenes, one being a house on the top of a hill with a colourful sky. From this we created our own Halloween house scenes. We had to start by creating the background using water paints and blending colours, moving on we designed our house and scene around using only black paper in order to create a silhouette effect. The children all enjoyed adding their own detail and the final pieces looked great!

    Looking at greater than and less than as our mathematical vocabulary, we used alligators to explore the < and > symbols. All children gained a good understanding of how to use their symbols and were able to use to compare two and three digit numbers with confidence.
Well done everyone!

Fun Time at Onegino- Halloween celebration.

Amazing work with the costumes, all children looked brilliant!

Disco fun- super dancing!

Pin the hat on the witch, this was trickier than it looks.

Pumpkin Carving.

I hope everyone has enjoyed Halloween week as much as I have. I wish you all a happy half term and I look forward to hearing lots of stories when we return to school for the remainder of the Autumn term.

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