Useful home learning links

Friday 11 November 2016

Welcome Back!
We started our week with news writing, I hear all the children have had a busy and exciting half term. It was lovely to hear about the different activities and places they have been.
I hope you have all enjoyed the snow, the children have had great fun during their outside play time sledging, building snowmen and generally playing in the snow.


Our lessons this week have been based around our Big Question- What makes a habitat a home?
In English we have looked at the book Bog Baby, the children have listened to the story and wrote their own predictions on what they think will happen next. Although they didn't predict correctly, there was some great writing where the children used clear sentence structure and showed their ideas using feelings and adjectives. I was impressed!


Linking in with our English, this week we have been exploring different habitats. We have  looked at different habitats and identified which animals would live there, providing that they have shelter, space, food and water.
This will be moving on to next week's learning and we will be looking at what humans need in their habitats to ensure we are healthy and happy too.


In Maths we have been exploring 2D shapes and exploring their properties. The children have been able to identify shapes using mathematical vocabulary- corners, sides, equal and length to distinguish between different 2D shapes. They have used their understanding to follow a key to colour in a picture. Well done!

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