Useful home learning links

Thursday 24 November 2016

How can we make sure Bog Baby is happy?

We have done a great deal this week on symmetry. The children have used mirrors to reflect patterns and have created their own too. I am very pleased with their understanding and I think they have had fun creating different pictures. Well done everyone!

Continuing to link with our topic of Habitats, we have looked at how to take care of Bog Baby. The children have identified what made Bog Baby happy, concentrating on shelter, space, food and water. 

Great reading this week, a minimum of two books will be sent home for readers, if you do not finish both, don't worry, let me know and you can keep it for another week. 

This week's sound has been 'or' we have explored different 'or' vocabulary and used dictionaries to check our spelling of 'or' words- Great work!

Next week we are looking at '-y' at the end of a word, when the 'y' sound changes.


Habitats- after looking at different habitats and how animals have adapted over the years to live there, the children have created their own animal. They have identified where their animal will live and how they will get shelter, space, water and food. Creative thinking!!

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